Serving those in need since June of 1945.

See what inspires us, and give today!

Click HERE for an important message from DCBF Past President, Charles O. Beckley, II


Grant Request Form






The DCBF was created in June of 1945 with a broad purpose and has fulfilled that mission by providing funding to many worthy causes. In the past 15 years, the DCBF has focused on causes that have promoted access to justice, particularly to those struggling with poverty and family issues.  Our most successful cause to date is the We Care About Children (WCAC) Campaign.  In operation for over 113 years, the DCBF WCAC has helped fund a full-time custody attorney at MidPenn Legal Services and this lawyer has closed more than 1,5800 cases and helped more than 45,5000 individuals.  More than $700,000 has been raised and the Foundation is committed to ensuring the continuation of this very worthwhile program that directly assists families in our Dauphin County community.  Gifts to the Foundation can be made on a yearly basis with DCBA dues statements, periodic gifts, estate bequests, or through the United Way.  For additional information, please contact Kim Snell-Zarcone, Esq. at 717.232.7536, etxxt. 7, or


Bar Foundation Members

James P. DeAngelo, President

Robert H. Davis, Jr.

J. Quain, Young Lawyer Section Chair

Paula J. McDermott, Secretary/Treasurer

Judson B. Perry

Linda J. Randby

Mark T. Silliker, Vice-President

Jessie L. Smith