Established in January 1, 1898

The Dauphin County Reporter was established January 1, 1898, and designated the Legal Periodical for Dauphin County on February 5, 1919. The Reporter is a weekly journal containing the decisions rendered in the 12th Judicial District, and is owned, edited and published each Friday by the Dauphin County Bar Association. Advertisements must be received before 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday of each week at the office of the Dauphin County Reporter, 213 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101; Telephone (717) 232-7536 x4; email:  If there would be an early publication deadline for staffing reasons, it will be posted below.

You may email your ad and contact information to to avoid missing any publication deadlines.

You must also publish in a paper of GENERAL CIRCULATION.  Below are just some examples of those papers:

*Printing Rates are as follows:

  • Estate Notices $102.00 (runs 3 issues)
  • Corporate Notices $102.00 (runs 1 issue) (multiple sample forms below)
  • Fictitious Names $102.00 (runs 1 issue)
  • Miscellaneous (foreclosures, sheriff sales, etc.) $102.00 minimum | $2.50 per line when copy is over 34 lines (times the # of issues you run the ad) (runs 1 issue unless directed otherwise)

Commercial ad/display ad rates can be found here.

  • 1/3 page ad (2" high x 4" wide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1200/yr.
  • 1/2 page ad (3 1/2" high x 4" wide) . . . . . . . . . . . . $1500/yr.
  • Full page ad (7" high x 4" wide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3000/yr.

If you are interested in advertising your business, please contact for more information.

Reporter Forms:


For more information, please contact  You may also email your ad to  You will then be invoiced.  Once your invoice is paid, you will receive your Proof of Publication.

Weekly Issues:

Weekly issues of the Dauphin County Reporter may be found on the website.