From business and social events, to CLEs, Pro Bono opportunities, Committee work, and Section participation, DCBA offers plenty of ways for Members to enhance the Dauphin County Legal Community and their legal careers through education, service, and networking. 


Alternative Dispute Resolution: This Committee, currently Chaired by Brooks R. Foland promotes alternative dispute resolution such as mediation, and presents a bi-annual CLE Lunch/Learn Program. The Committee developed the Dauphin County Mediation Program, and successfully drafted and recommended a local rule mandating good faith consideration of mediation which was adopted by the Court of Common Pleas. (Click here to join Committee) 



Bar Foundation: The current President of the Bar Foundation is Charles O. Beckley, II.  The Bar Foundation was created in June of 1945 with a broad purpose and fulfilled that mission by providing funding to many worthy causes. In the past 15 years, the DCBF has focused on causes that have promoted access to justice, particularly to those struggling with poverty and family issues.  Our most successful cause to date is the We Care About Children (WCAC) Campaign.  In operation for over 11 years, the DCBF WCAC has helped fund a full-time custody attorney at MidPenn Legal Services and this lawyer has closed more than 1,500 cases and helped more than 4,500 individuals.  More than $700,000 has been raised and the Foundation is committed to ensuring the continuation of this very worthwhile program that directly assists families in our Dauphin County community.  Gifts to the Foundation can be made on a yearly basis with DCBA dues statements, periodic gifts, estate bequests, or through the United Way.  For additional information, please contact Kim Snell-Zarcone, Esq. at 717.232.7536, etx. 7, or


Budget & Finance: This Committee, currently Chaired by Thomas P. Gacki, reviews and recommends the approval of an annual operating budget, including the salary and benefits of Bar staff, and makes policy decisions on investments and expenditures.  The Bar’s budget is also reviewed by independent auditors (Brown Schultz Sheridan Fritz) who report at the Annual Meeting in January. (Click here to join Committee) 




Business Law: This Committee, currently Chaired by Bruce J. Grossman develops CLE programming for members interested in Business Law, plans social partnerships, and supports colleagues with a list-serve and networking resources. (Click here to join Committee)




By Laws: This Committee, currently Chaired by Steven M. Williams, recommends language for DCBA By Laws when a board directive dictates or best practices indicate change. (Click here to join Committee)




Continuing Legal Education: This Committee, currently Chaired by Christopher J. Marzzacco, plans continuing legal education programs:  23 annual Lunch/Learn Programs and three annual six-hour cafeteria CLEs in synch with the three CLE compliance periods.  (Click here to join Committee)





Court Relations: This Committee, currently Chaired by Hon. Francis T. Chardo, plans the biennial Bench Bar Conference and an annual November Dinner Meeting with the Court, addressing topics of mutual interest, and serves generally as liaison between the bench and bar. (Click here to join Committee)





Court Rules: This Committee, currently chaired by Charles O. Beckley, II, works with the bench and our membership to update and revise local rules and propose improvements to rules and practices.  (Click here to join Committee) 





Criminal Law: This Committee, currently Chaired by Brian W. Perry, works with members on both sides of criminal practice to create favorable change in process and acts as a sounding board. (Click here to join Committee)





Equal Professional Opportunity (EPOC): This Committee, currently Co-Chaired by LaToya Winfield Bellamy and Timothy J. Henderson promotes equal professional opportunity in the legal profession by emphasizing the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion to all DCBA members, as well as all those in the position to educate, hire and mentor diverse lawyers.  The Committee oversees the CAMP 1L internship program and plans special CLE.  This Committee meets monthly. (Click here to join Committee




Fee Dispute: This Committee, currently Chaired by Scott B. Cooper, provides a means to voluntarily mediate and attempt to resolve fee disputes from disgruntled clients. (Click here to join Committee





House Committee: This Committee, currently Chaired by Matthew M. Haar, provides oversight and helps manage the DCBA office/physical building and systems. (Click here to join Committee




Insurance: This Committee, currently Chaired by James P. DeAngelo, reviews and recommends insurance needs for the Association. (Click here to join Committee




Law Day: This Committee, currently Chaired by Joseph P. Cardinale, has traditionally worked with the Executive Director to plan and accomplish the numerous events of Law Week, the first week in May. This includes the "Ask-A-Lawyer" community outreach; "Lawyers and Judges Go Back to School" teaching in K-12 classrooms; Law Day breakfast with a distinguished speaker and presentation of Liberty Bell community service award; media interviews and Q & A shows. (Click here to join Committee




Lawyers in the Arts: This Committee, currently Chaired by Devin J. Chwastyk and Co-chaired by M. Steven O'Neill provides legal support for local artists and arts organizations. (Click here to join Committee



Medical Cannabis: This Committee, currently Chaired by Christine T. Brann, meets to discuss the emerging field of law surrounding cannabis in PA. (Click here to join Committee





Memorial & Outreach: This Committee, currently Chaired by Thomas P. Gacki, plans and conducts memorial services in Courtroom #1 once or twice a year to honor departed members.  The Committee name was changed from simply "Memorial" in 2000 to reflect a separate purpose of assisting members at times of tragedy, a purpose still being implemented.




Personnel Committee: This Committee, currently Chaired by Renee Mattei Montgomery, assists the Executive Director with personnel matters and employment issues. (Click here to join Committee



Public Service: This Committee, currently Chaired by James P. DeAngelo, oversees the public service projects of the Bar involving legal representation, including the Lawyer Referral Service, Pro Bono Program, handling of protection from abuse (PFA) cases, and the Divorce and Custody clinics.  The Committee works closely with MidPenn Legal Services and the YWCA. Please click here for Pro Bono opportunities. (Click here to join Committee




Quality of LifeDCBA is launching a new Quality of Life Committee Chaired by Stephanie F. Latimore and we are looking for members. This committee will focus on identifying issues relevant to attorneys’ efforts to balance their professional and social lives. Issues of focus will include but not be limited to wellness, finding balance, mindfulness, educational programs, financial planning, and social activities. Collaboration among all committees is the goal so please join this new committee and bring your ideas. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.“ (Click here to join Committee




Small & Solo Practice: This Committee, currently Chaired by William L. Adler, provides networking and acts as a sounding board for solo practitioners or small firms. (Click here to join Committee



Social:  This Committee, currently Chaired by Jonathan W. Kunkel, helps plans the annual dinner dance and picnic, New York City trips, assists the Court Relations Committee in planning social events for the Bench Bar Conference, and plans other social events as requested. (Click here to join Committee




Unauthorized Practice of Law: This Committee, currently Chaired by Brett M. Woodburn, investigates unauthorized practice of law complaints, makes recommendations to the Court and Bar, and takes legal action when necessary.  (Click here to join Committee




William W. Lipsitt American Inn of Court:  The William W. Lipsitt American Inn of Court was founded in 2011. It is named in honor of Judge William Lipsitt, a judge of the Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas from 1965-1986 and a senior judge until his 85th birthday in 2002. During his tenure, he presided over several noteworthy trials, including the “666 Pennsylvania Lottery” fixing trial, the Jay Smith murder trial and some of the earliest litigation involving the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in 1979. His good humor, fairness and patience with the litigants and counsel who appeared before him was well-known and respected.

In recognition of Judge Lipsitt’s legacy, the Inn has a litigation focus and is comprised of approximately 75 members of the local bar and federal and Commonwealth judiciary. Each year, the Inn also invites law students in their final year of study at both Widener Law School and the Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law as members.

The Inn is a member of the American Inns of Court and has been so since its inception. The Inn’s ‘year’ runs from September to May with meetings generally on the second Monday of each month (excluding December) at the Dauphin County Bar Association Building at 213 North Front Street in Harrisburg.

A social hour beginning at 5:30 p.m. is followed by an approximately hour program. Members who attend all the presentations earn 8 hours of CLE credit.  

Membership in the Inn is by invitation. Applicants are generally considered for membership in March-May of each year. If you are interested in membership, please contact the Secretary of the Lipsitt Inn of Court listed here for an application and information on how to apply.




Bankruptcy Law Section ($10) (Click here to join Section) 

Estate Planning & Probate Section ($10) (Click here to join Section) 

Family Law Section ($25) (Click here to join Section) 

Government Law Section ($15) (Click here to join Section) 

Senior Lawyers Section ($10) - Must be at least 55 years old (or year you turn 55) (Click here to join Section) 

Workers' Compensation Section ($10) (Click here to join Section) 

Young Lawyers Section ($20) - Must be under 40 years old - or licensed to practice law 5 years or less (Click here to join Section)